We love the cash monies and the Trek


Today, my bf and I went to an Oktoberfest in Warren, NJ…and of course I forgot that a local festival probably doesn’t take credit cards. Luckily I had enough cash to pay the entrance fee and buy us each a German beer. After immediately exhausting our cash supply, there really wasn’t much of a reason to stick around (especially after the polka band went on a break!)

Next year we know to bring the cash monies.


On a related (but nerdier) note, my bf introduced me to a fantastic holiday on Friday: Spocktoberfest! As soon as he mentioned it, my brain started whirring with ideas for a Spocktoberfest logo and my fingers started itching for photoshop. Since I was at work that wasn’t really a possibility. A quick google search on the phone I was supposed to be testing, however, proved that whatever you’re thinking of can probably already be found on the internet.

I also saw a car while I was stuck in traffic the other day with this collegiate window sticker:

I think if I was still in high school, I’d probably have binders and folders covered with Starfleet Academy and Starfleet insignias.

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